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Run CI on working directories that depend on a updated local path Module

tfaction >= v1.3.0 #1528

By default, tfaction runs CI on only working directories where any code is updated. This means even if a working directory depends on a local path Module out of the working directory and the module is updated, CI isn't run on the working directory.


  • A working directory A depends on local path Module B
  • Module B is located out of the working directory A
  • In a pull request C, working directory A isn't changed but the module B is changed
  • Then CI isn't run on the working directory A by default
working directory A/
module B

To run CI on the working directory A too, please update tfaction-root.yaml as the following.


enabled: true

This feature depends on terraform-config-inspect, so you have to install it. Same with other tools, you can install terraform-config-inspect with aqua.


- name: hashicorp/terraform-config-inspect
version: a34142ec2a72dd916592afd3247dd354f1cc7e5c

In that case, Go is required.

If this feature is enabled, when a module is updated in a pull request, CI is run on working directories depending on the module. The module dependency is checked recursively. For example, in the above case if the module B depends on a module C and module C is updated in a pull request, CI is run on the working directory A even if the working directory A and the module B aren't updated.