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How to use

Please add GitHub Actions Workflow and run renovate-issue-action.


⚠️ Use pull_request_target instead of pull_request

We tried to trigger GitHub Actions Workflow by pull_request's closed event, but unfortunately it doesn't work well. We asked GitHub Support, then was given the following answer.

ref. Sometimes GitHub Actions isn’t triggered by pull_request closed event | GitHub Community Forum

Hi there,

Thank you for your patience while the team investigated this issue.

I have been updated that the reason you are experiencing this issue is that GitHub doesn’t queue the merge commit job for closed PRs; So workflows using on: { pull_request: { types: [“closed”] } } will not consistently be triggered.

The workaround is to use a pull_request_target trigger as those do not require a merge commit but run the workflow from the target branch. But take note of the warnings in the docs below. 1

The team has also suggested that you either combine both workflows or use a workflow_run trigger for the second workflow

So we recommend using pull_request_target trigger instead of pull_request trigger. For the security reason, you should checkout code from the default branch.

pull_request_target: # Use pull_request_target instead of pull_request
branches: [main]
- closed
# restrict pull request author to only Renovate
if: github.event.pull_request.user.login == 'renovate[bot]'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checkout default branch for security
- uses: actions/checkout@v3

Renovate's prBodyNotes

Please update Renovate Configuration using prBodyNotes.

  "prBodyNotes": [
"<!-- renovate-issue-action: {\"packageFileDir\": \"{{packageFileDir}}\", \"packageName\": \"{{packageName}}\", \"groupName\": \"{{groupName}}\", \"depName\": \"{{depName}}\", \"manager\": \"{{manager}}\", \"updateType\": \"{{updateType}}\"} -->"

renovate-issue-action gets metadata from this HTML comment.